Obama and Bush collaborate to commemorate America’s 250th anniversary amidst political division

Obama and Bush collaborate to commemorate America's 250th anniversary amidst political division

Former Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush will join an effort to commemorate America’s 250th anniversary in 2026, highlighting the initiative’s attempts to build bipartisan momentum in an era of extreme political polarization.

The former presidents and first ladies Michelle Obama and Laura Bush will serve as honorary national co-chairs of America250, the organization created by Congress in 2016 to oversee the celebration of the the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

The commission’s leaders hope bringing together the two recent Democratic and Republican presidents will serve as an example of bipartisan cooperation in a country where political agreements seem rare and concerns are heightened over the potential for violence, especially heading toward a divisive presidential election.

Rosie Rios, a former U.S. treasurer who heads America250, emphasized that the commission organizing the celebration “has representation across all aisles.”

“This is a grassroots effort that all Americans feel like they can be a part of from Guam to Alaska, Fairbanks to Philadelphia, and everything in between,” Rios said. “This is about celebrating and commemorating that we’re the oldest democracy in the world.”

The multiyear semiquincentennial celebration will include events in all 50 states and six U.S. territories. It will formally launch July 4, 2026, during an MLB game between the Milwaukee Brewers and the Chicago Cubs at American Family Field in Milwaukee.

It also will include a service project called America Gives, an effort to compile oral histories of Americans and a nationwide scholastic contest in which students will reflect on what America means to them.

“This milestone is an opportunity to reflect on our history and recommit to our country’s founding values,” the Bushes said in a statement.

The Obamas said they look forward to reflecting on “the remarkable stories that make our nation the place it is today.”

“America is not the same country it was 250 years ago — but there are threads that tie us back to the very beginning of it all,” they said in a statement. “Our history plays a big role in shaping the kind of future we hope to create.”


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Former Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush have announced plans to collaborate on a project to commemorate America’s 250th anniversary, despite the current political division in the country. The two former presidents, who come from different political parties, have come together to work on this initiative as a way to promote unity and celebrate the history and values of the United States.

The project, which is still in the early stages of development, will focus on highlighting the achievements and progress that the country has made over the past 250 years. It will also aim to educate the public on the importance of preserving democracy and upholding the principles that America was founded upon.

In a joint statement, Obama and Bush expressed their shared belief in the need for Americans to come together and celebrate their common heritage, despite their differences in political ideology. They emphasized the importance of unity and cooperation in order to overcome the challenges facing the nation today.

The collaboration between Obama and Bush is a rare example of bipartisanship in today’s political climate, where division and polarization have become increasingly prevalent. By working together on this project, the two former presidents hope to set an example for current leaders and inspire a sense of unity among the American people.

The announcement of this collaboration has been met with praise from both sides of the political spectrum, with many commending Obama and Bush for their willingness to put aside their differences and work together for the greater good of the country. Some have even suggested that this project could serve as a model for how political leaders can bridge the divide and find common ground on important issues.

As America approaches its 250th anniversary, it is more important than ever for citizens to come together and reflect on the values that have shaped the nation’s history. The collaboration between Obama and Bush serves as a reminder that despite our differences, we are all Americans with a shared heritage and a common destiny. It is a testament to the power of unity and cooperation in overcoming division and moving forward as a nation.
