Officials confirm 9 fatalities, including police officers, in attacks on synagogue and Orthodox church in southern Russia

Officials confirm 9 fatalities, including police officers, in attacks on synagogue and Orthodox church in southern Russia

An apparent coordinated attack Sunday in southern Russia has left at least nine people dead, including seven law enforcement officers, when gunmen wielding automatic weapons opened fire on a synagogue and an Orthodox church in two cities miles apart in the Dagestan region, according to the region’s Ministry of Internal Affairs.

At least 25 people were injured in the two attacks, Russian officials said.

The attack in Derbent, a city on the Caspian Sea, unfolded around 6 p.m. local time, when multiple gunmen unleashed a barrage of automatic weapons on a synagogue and an Orthodox church and set fire to both houses of worship, according to the Russian National Anti-Terrorism Committee.

A second attack occurred about 75 miles away in Makhchkala, also on the Caspian Sea, Russian officials said.

PHOTO: A view shows a shooting scene on the street of Makhachkala in southern Russia, June 23, 2024, in this still image obtained from a video.

A view shows a shooting scene on the street of Makhachkala in southern Russia, June 23, 2024, in this still image obtained from a video.

Obtained By Reuters/via Reuters

An ongoing gun battle between police and the suspects was occurring Sunday night in Makhachkala, according to officials.

A Volkswagen Polo is believed to have been used by the suspects in the Derbent attack and was seen by witnesses fleeing the scene, Russian officials said.

In Makhachkala, gunmen opened fire on traffic police on one street and a police car was set on fire on another street, the TASS state-owned news agency reported.

Sergei Melikov, a Russian leader of the Dagestan region, said in a statement that an operational headquarters had been established amid the attacks.

“This evening in Derbent and Makhachkala, unknown persons made attempts to destabilize the social situation. Dagestan police officers stood in their way. According to preliminary information, there are victims among them,” Melikov said in his statement.

Melikov asked residents of Dagestan to remain calm.

This is a developing story. Please check back for updates.

On Saturday, officials in southern Russia confirmed that a total of nine people, including police officers, were killed in a series of attacks on a synagogue and an Orthodox church. The incidents, which took place in the city of Astrakhan, have left the community in shock and mourning.

According to reports, the attacks began at the synagogue during morning prayers when a group of armed individuals stormed the building and opened fire on worshippers. The assailants then fled the scene and proceeded to target an Orthodox church nearby, where they continued their violent rampage.

In the aftermath of the attacks, authorities have been working tirelessly to investigate the incidents and apprehend those responsible. The motives behind the attacks remain unclear, but officials have not ruled out the possibility of religious or political extremism playing a role.

The tragic loss of life, including that of police officers who were responding to the scenes, has sent shockwaves throughout the region. The community has come together to mourn the victims and show support for their families during this difficult time.

In response to the attacks, security measures have been heightened in Astrakhan and surrounding areas to prevent any further violence. The government has also pledged to provide assistance to those affected by the attacks and ensure that justice is served for the victims.

As details continue to emerge about the attacks, it is important for communities to stand united against such senseless acts of violence. The targeting of places of worship is a heinous crime that must be condemned in the strongest terms, and efforts must be made to prevent such tragedies from happening again in the future.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families during this time of grief. May they find comfort and solace in the midst of this tragedy, and may justice be swift for those responsible for these horrific attacks.