Officials confirm first fatal black bear attack on a human in California records occurred in 2023

Officials confirm first fatal black bear attack on a human in California records occurred in 2023

DOWNIEVILLE, Calif. — A woman found dead last year in a mountain community was the victim of the first documented fatal black bear attack on a human in California, authorities said.

The death occurred in Downieville, a tiny town in the Sierra Nevada, two hours northeast of the state capital, Sacramento TV station KCRA reported Wednesday.

On Nov. 8, Sierra County sheriff’s deputies checking on the welfare of a resident who hadn’t been seen for a few days found a broken door and bear scat on the porch, Sheriff Mike Fisher told the station. Inside were the remains of Patrice Miller, 71.

“It appeared that the bear had probably been there several days and had been feeding on the remains,” Fisher said.

It was initially believed that Miller died before the arrival of the bear and that it may have been drawn by the scent.

Meanwhile, there were many reports from concerned citizens about a bear repeatedly returning to the house. A state depredation permit was issued and a bear was trapped on the property and euthanized, according to Fisher.

Then came the findings of Miller’s autopsy, which were first reported by The Mountain Messenger, a local weekly newspaper.

“Patrice had passed away due to a bear mauling or a swipe and a bite to the neck area,” Fisher said.

The state Department of Fish and Wildlife confirmed that it was the first record of a deadly black bear attack on a human in the state.

“It’s a big deal,” said Steve Gonzalez, a department spokesperson. “That doesn’t happen in California. Normally a bear is going to stay away from you, a bear that hasn’t been normalized to human behavior.”

Investigators learned from Miller’s daughter that her mother had a constant problem with bears trying to get into her home, and that she had physically hit one.

Another bear then became a problem in Downieville and was euthanized after trying to break into a school gym, resulting in a significant decrease in bear activity, the sheriff said.

DNA tests confirmed that the first bear euthanized was responsible for killing Miller.

Bears breaking into homes or trash cans in search of food have become a problem in California — from Lake Tahoe in the Sierra down to the foothill suburbs of Los Angeles, where some have been known to raid refrigerators and take dips in backyard pools and hot tubs.

In a tragic turn of events, officials in California have confirmed the first fatal black bear attack on a human in the state’s records. The incident occurred in 2023, sending shockwaves through the community and raising concerns about human-wildlife interactions.

The attack took place in a remote area of the state, where the victim was hiking alone. According to reports, the black bear approached the hiker and attacked without warning, resulting in fatal injuries. This marks a significant and rare occurrence, as black bear attacks on humans are typically very rare and fatalities even rarer.

Officials are now investigating the circumstances surrounding the attack and working to determine what may have led to this tragic event. While black bears are generally shy and tend to avoid human contact, encounters can sometimes turn dangerous if the bear feels threatened or is seeking food.

In light of this incident, officials are reminding the public to take precautions when venturing into areas where black bears may be present. This includes properly storing food and garbage to avoid attracting bears, making noise while hiking to alert bears of your presence, and carrying bear spray as a deterrent.

It is important for hikers and outdoor enthusiasts to be aware of their surroundings and take steps to minimize the risk of encountering wildlife. While black bear attacks are rare, they can be deadly, and it is crucial to respect these powerful animals and their natural habitats.

As officials continue to investigate the circumstances of this tragic incident, the community is mourning the loss of the victim and coming together to raise awareness about wildlife safety. By staying informed and taking precautions, we can help prevent future incidents and ensure that both humans and wildlife can coexist peacefully in California’s beautiful wilderness.
