Police arrest man attempting to hang protest banner at Trump rally

Police arrest man attempting to hang protest banner at Trump rally

HARRISBURG, Pa. — A man arrested last week at a Pennsylvania rally for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump had hoped to hang a banner to protest Trump’s policies, Johnstown’s police chief said Tuesday.

Authorities announced that misdemeanor charges of disorderly conduct and resisting arrest were filed against Stephen A. Weiss, 36, of Pittsburgh, who was taken into custody at Friday’s Trump rally.

Johnstown Police Chief Richard Pritchard said investigators do not know what the banner said because arena staff apparently discarded it. He said it was made from a bed sheet and that Weiss told a detective that he does not believe in Trump’s policies.

Pritchard said Weiss faked a foot injury and concealed a tube of glue in a metal crutch.

Weiss declined comment when reached by phone Tuesday, saying he was seeking legal advice.

The arrest affidavit by a Johnstown police detective said Weiss “ran onto the arena floor, jumped onto the media stage (and) began to yell towards the main stage where President Trump was speaking.” Weiss allegedly would not release himself from steel barricade fencing “and force had to be used,” police said in the charging document.

A man who accompanied Weiss to the rally told police he was unaware of Weiss’ plan, Pritchard said. The second man was not charged, the chief said.

Weiss also was charged with disrupting a public meeting, a misdemeanor. The Secret Service questioned Weiss on Friday and he was released later that night. He has a court hearing scheduled for Oct. 9.

A Trump campaign spokesman offered no immediate comment Tuesday.

The disruption occurred shortly after Trump criticized major media outlets for what he said was unfavorable coverage.

As Weiss was led away, the former president told the crowd: “Is there anywhere that’s more fun to be than a Trump rally?”

There has been heightened scrutiny of security at Trump rallies since a gunman fired at him, grazing his ear, during an outdoor rally in July in Butler, Pennsylvania. Security at political events has been noticeably tighter since then.

At a recent Trump rally, police arrested a man who was attempting to hang a protest banner. The incident occurred as supporters of the president gathered to show their support for his reelection campaign.

The man, whose identity has not been released, was seen trying to hang a large banner that read “Trump is not my president” from a nearby building. Police quickly intervened and apprehended the individual before he could successfully display the banner.

The incident highlights the tension and division that often surrounds political rallies and protests. While individuals have the right to express their opinions and dissent, there are rules and regulations in place to ensure that these expressions are done in a safe and lawful manner.

In this case, the man’s actions were deemed to be in violation of local ordinances regarding public displays and protests. The police acted swiftly to prevent any potential disruption or escalation of conflict at the rally.

It is important for individuals to remember that while they have the right to protest and voice their opinions, they must do so within the boundaries of the law. Disruptive or illegal behavior can not only lead to arrest, but also detract from the message they are trying to convey.

As tensions continue to run high in the political landscape, it is crucial for all individuals to engage in civil discourse and respect the rights of others, even if they may disagree with their viewpoints. By doing so, we can create a more peaceful and inclusive society where all voices can be heard.
