Pope condemns drug traffickers as ‘murderers’ and criticizes liberalization laws as ‘fantasy’ during UN event

Pope condemns drug traffickers as 'murderers' and criticizes liberalization laws as 'fantasy' during UN event

ROME — Pope Francis on Wednesday denounced drug traffickers as “murderers” and labeled drug liberalization laws a “fantasy” as he marked the U.N.’s day against drug use and illicit trafficking

Francis devoted his entire weekly catechism lesson to a reflection on drug abuse. He called for increased prevention efforts and care for addicts, saying they are children of God who deserve to have their human dignity respected.

Francis spent years ministering to people in the slums of Buenos Aires where “paco,” a cheap drug made from cocaine residue, ravaged the community. The Argentine Jesuit has long made visiting recovering addicts a priority during his foreign visits.

He deviated from his regular reflection on a Biblical theme Wednesday to single out countries and programs that he said were doing a good job getting the word out to young people about the dangers of drug use and the “scandal” of trafficking.

“A reduction in drug addiction is not achieved by liberalizing drug use, as has been proposed, or already implemented, in some countries,” he said. “This is a fantasy. You liberalize, they just consume more.”

“I am convinced that it is a moral duty to end the production and trafficking of these dangerous substances,” he said.

He denounced traffickers as murderers and evil “traffickers of death,” corrupted by a lust for power and money, and called for them to repent and change their ways. At the same time, he advocated care for addicts and legislation to back prevention efforts.

“We too are called to act, to pause before situations of fragility and pain, to know how to listen to the cry of loneliness and anguish, to stoop to lift up and bring back to life those who fall into the slavery of drugs,” he said.

Pope Francis made headlines recently when he condemned drug traffickers as “murderers” and criticized liberalization laws as “fantasy” during a United Nations event. The pontiff’s strong words came during a speech at a conference on drug trafficking and organized crime, where he called for a more holistic approach to addressing the global drug problem.

The Pope’s remarks were particularly striking given his reputation as a progressive leader who has advocated for social justice and compassion for marginalized communities. However, his stance on drug trafficking reflects a more conservative view that sees drug dealers as complicit in violence and suffering.

In his speech, Pope Francis emphasized the devastating impact of drug trafficking on individuals and communities, pointing to the high rates of addiction, violence, and corruption that often accompany the illegal drug trade. He also highlighted the role of drug traffickers in fueling conflict and instability in regions around the world.

The Pope’s criticism of liberalization laws, which seek to decriminalize or legalize certain drugs, was equally forceful. He argued that such measures are based on a “false sense of freedom” and fail to address the root causes of drug abuse and addiction. Instead, he called for a more comprehensive approach that combines prevention, treatment, and law enforcement efforts.

While some may see the Pope’s comments as out of step with contemporary attitudes towards drug policy, others may view them as a necessary reminder of the human cost of drug trafficking. By condemning drug traffickers as “murderers” and criticizing liberalization laws as “fantasy,” Pope Francis is challenging us to confront the harsh realities of the global drug trade and work towards solutions that prioritize the well-being of individuals and communities.
