Pope’s audiences canceled as he falls ill before upcoming trip

Pope's audiences canceled as he falls ill before upcoming trip

ROME — Pope Francis cancelled his audiences Monday because of a “slight flu-like state” just days before he is to embark on a trip to Belgium and Luxembourg, the Vatican said.

The move was described as a “precaution” in the statement from the Vatican.

Francis is due to visit Luxembourg on Thursday and then spend the rest of the week in Belgium, ending with a Mass in Brussels on Sunday.

Francis, 87, who has battled a series of health problems in recent years, has had a packed schedule of audiences since returning from a four-nation, 11-day journey through Asia on Sept. 13. It was the longest and farthest trip of his pontificate.

The statement from the Holy See press office described Francis as having a “flu-like state.” Through much of last winter, Francis battled acute bronchitis and recurring bouts of influenza, which forced him to cancel a quick trip to Dubai to participate in the U.N. climate conference.

In Belgium, Francis is due to celebrate the 600th anniversary of the country’s main Catholic universities, and minister to Belgians who have been rocked by years of unrelenting revelations of clergy sexual abuse and cover-up.

Pope Francis has been forced to cancel his public audiences and events after falling ill just days before a scheduled trip to Malta. The 85-year-old pontiff, who has been in relatively good health throughout his papacy, is said to be suffering from a mild fever and a sore throat.

The Vatican announced that Pope Francis had canceled his audiences for the week due to his illness, but assured the public that there was no cause for alarm. The pontiff is being closely monitored by his doctors and is expected to make a full recovery in the coming days.

The cancellation of the Pope’s audiences comes as a disappointment to many who were looking forward to seeing him in person. However, the health and well-being of the pontiff must always come first, and it is important that he takes the time to rest and recuperate.

Pope Francis has been a beloved figure since he was elected as the leader of the Catholic Church in 2013. Known for his humility, compassion, and progressive views, he has worked tirelessly to promote peace, social justice, and environmental protection.

Despite his illness, Pope Francis remains committed to his duties and responsibilities as the leader of the Catholic Church. He is still expected to travel to Malta later this week, where he will meet with government officials, religious leaders, and members of the local community.

The Pope’s illness serves as a reminder that even the most powerful and influential figures can fall ill and need time to recover. It is important for everyone, regardless of their status or position, to prioritize their health and well-being.

As the world waits for Pope Francis to recover from his illness, we send our thoughts and prayers to him for a speedy recovery. May he continue to inspire and lead with his message of love, compassion, and unity.