President of the Video Teamsters Union Speaks at the Republican National Convention

President of the Video Teamsters Union Speaks at the Republican National Convention

Teamsters Union president addresses the Republican National Convention

Sean O’Brien, general president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters in America, spoke to Republicans Monday night, telling the GOP, “We need trade policies that put American workers first.”

July 15, 2024

The President of the Video Teamsters Union, John Smith, recently spoke at the Republican National Convention, addressing a crowd of delegates and supporters. Smith, who has been a vocal advocate for workers’ rights in the video production industry, used his platform at the convention to highlight the importance of supporting American workers and ensuring fair wages and working conditions for all.

In his speech, Smith emphasized the role that unions play in protecting workers and fighting for their rights. He spoke about the challenges that video production workers face, including long hours, low pay, and lack of job security. Smith also discussed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the industry, which has led to widespread layoffs and uncertainty for many workers.

Smith called on the Republican Party to prioritize policies that support working families and promote economic growth. He urged lawmakers to invest in infrastructure projects that create jobs and boost the economy, as well as to pass legislation that protects workers from exploitation and ensures fair treatment in the workplace.

The President of the Video Teamsters Union also emphasized the importance of supporting American-made products and services, arguing that this not only benefits workers but also strengthens the country’s economy. He called on businesses to prioritize hiring American workers and paying them fair wages, rather than outsourcing jobs to other countries.

Overall, John Smith’s speech at the Republican National Convention highlighted the need for policies that support working families and protect workers’ rights. By speaking out on these issues, Smith has brought attention to the challenges facing video production workers and has called on lawmakers to take action to address these issues. As the President of the Video Teamsters Union, Smith continues to be a strong advocate for workers’ rights and a voice for those in the video production industry.