Putin praises North Korea’s support for Ukrainian war during talks with Kim

Putin praises North Korea's support for Ukrainian war during talks with Kim

LONDON — Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un began on Wednesday a meeting in Pyongyang, where the two are expected to reaffirm their strategic partnership in opposition to Western leaders.

Putin in his opening statement thanked Kim for his “unwavering support” for Russia’s war in Ukraine. Wednesday’s meeting, which comes on the second day of Putin’s official state visit, is expected to last about nine hours.

 Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un attend a welcoming ceremony on June 19, 2024, in Pyongyang, North Korea. (Photo by Contributor/Getty Images)

Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un attend a welcoming ceremony on June 19, 2024, in Pyongyang, North Korea. (Photo by Contributor/Getty Images)

Contributor/Getty Images

North Korea on Wednesday hosted a welcome ceremony for Putin, who had arrived late Tuesday and stayed at a state guest house overnight.

The pair strolled through Pyongyang along a red carpet. They were greeted by throngs of North Koreans waving flowers, balloons and flags.

ABC News’ Joe Simonetti contributed to this report.

Russian President Vladimir Putin recently met with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Vladivostok, Russia, where the two leaders discussed various issues including the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. During their talks, Putin praised North Korea for its support in the Ukrainian war, highlighting the country’s solidarity with Russia in the face of international pressure.

The conflict in Ukraine has been ongoing since 2014, when Russia annexed Crimea and supported separatist rebels in eastern Ukraine. The war has resulted in thousands of deaths and has strained relations between Russia and Western countries. Despite facing sanctions and isolation from the international community, Russia has continued to support the separatists in Ukraine, leading to a protracted conflict with no clear resolution in sight.

North Korea’s support for Russia in the Ukrainian war comes at a time when the country is facing its own challenges on the international stage. With ongoing tensions over its nuclear program and human rights abuses, North Korea has been isolated from much of the international community. By aligning itself with Russia in the conflict in Ukraine, North Korea is signaling its willingness to stand with other countries that are facing similar challenges from Western powers.

Putin’s praise for North Korea’s support in the Ukrainian war is significant as it highlights the growing alliance between the two countries. Despite their differences on various issues, including North Korea’s nuclear program and human rights record, Russia and North Korea have found common ground in their opposition to Western interference in global affairs. By standing together in the Ukrainian conflict, Putin and Kim are sending a message to the world that they will not be swayed by outside pressure and will continue to support each other in the face of adversity.

Overall, Putin’s praise for North Korea’s support in the Ukrainian war underscores the complex geopolitical dynamics at play in the region. As Russia and North Korea continue to strengthen their alliance, it is likely that their actions will have far-reaching implications for global politics and security. It remains to be seen how this alliance will evolve in the future and what impact it will have on the ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and beyond.