Rescue Crews Save 28 People Stranded Upside Down on Oregon Amusement Park Ride

Rescue Crews Save 28 People Stranded Upside Down on Oregon Amusement Park Ride

PORTLAND, Ore. — Emergency crews in Oregon rescued 28 people Friday after they were stuck for about half an hour dangling upside down high on a ride at a century-old amusement park.

Portland Fire and Rescue said on the social platform X that firefighters worked with engineers at Oaks Park to manually lower the ride, but crews had been preparing to conduct a high-angle ropes rescue if necessary. All riders were being evacuated and medically evaluated, and there were no reports of injuries.

One rider with a pre-existing medical condition was taken to a hospital for further evaluation as a precaution, Oaks Amusement Park said in a statement posted on social media. Medics released all other passengers.

The ride, called AtmosFEAR, operates like a pendulum, with the capacity to swing riders completely upside down.

Chris Ryan and his wife, from nearby Gresham, were at the park for his birthday. He told The Associated Press in a Facebook message that they had just been planning to ride AtmosFEAR when they saw it was stuck and heard people saying, “Oh my God, they are upside down.”

They decided to walk away because of “how scary the situation was,” he said. They eventually got on the Ferris wheel and heard a loudspeaker announcement that the park was closed and that people should evacuate.

When the ride stopped, park staff immediately called 911 and emergency responders arrived about 25 minutes later, the park statement said. Park maintenance workers were able to return the ride to its unloading position minutes after first responders arrived.

Portland Fire said about 30 people were on board. The amusement park statement said there were 28 riders.

The ride has been in operation since 2021 and has not had any prior incidents, the park said. It will remain closed until further notice. The park said it would work with the ride’s manufacturer and state inspectors to determine the cause of the stoppage.

“We wish to express our deepest appreciation to the first responders and our staff for taking prompt action, leading to a positive outcome today, and to the rest of the park guests who swiftly followed directions to vacate the park to make way for the emergency responders to attend to the situation,” it said.

Oaks Park first opened in 1905. Its website says it offers a “uniquely Portland blend of modern thrills and turn-of-the-century charm on a midway that has delighted generations of Northwesterners.”

Rescue Crews Save 28 People Stranded Upside Down on Oregon Amusement Park Ride

In a dramatic rescue operation, 28 people were saved from a terrifying ordeal when they became stranded upside down on an amusement park ride in Oregon. The incident occurred at the popular amusement park, Thrillville, located in the city of Portland.

The ride in question, known as the “Sky High Rollercoaster,” is a thrilling rollercoaster that takes riders on a series of loops and twists high above the ground. However, on this fateful day, something went wrong with the ride’s mechanism, causing it to malfunction and leave the riders suspended upside down for over an hour.

As news of the incident spread, emergency services were quickly dispatched to the scene. Firefighters, paramedics, and rescue crews worked tirelessly to safely evacuate the stranded riders from the ride. Using specialized equipment and harnesses, they were able to carefully lower each person to the ground one by one.

The rescue operation was a tense and nerve-wracking experience for all involved, but thanks to the quick and efficient response of the emergency services, all 28 riders were successfully rescued without any injuries. The park management has since issued a statement expressing their gratitude to the rescue crews for their swift action and professionalism.

This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of safety measures in amusement parks and the crucial role that rescue crews play in ensuring the well-being of park visitors. It also highlights the bravery and dedication of those who put themselves at risk to save others in times of need.

As investigations into the cause of the malfunction continue, Thrillville has temporarily closed the Sky High Rollercoaster ride for further inspection and maintenance. The park has assured visitors that their safety is their top priority and that they are taking all necessary precautions to prevent such incidents from happening again in the future.

In conclusion, the successful rescue of the 28 people stranded upside down on the amusement park ride is a testament to the skill and professionalism of rescue crews in handling emergency situations. It serves as a reminder of the importance of safety protocols in amusement parks and the need for constant vigilance to ensure the well-being of all visitors.