Rescue of a Large Desert Tortoise on Arizona Highway after Escaping from Ostrich Ranch 3 Miles Away

Rescue of a Large Desert Tortoise on Arizona Highway after Escaping from Ostrich Ranch 3 Miles Away

An unidentified driver and Arizona Department of Public Safety Sgt. Steven Sekrecki hold a rescued a sulcata tortoise that was attempting to cross Interstate 10 near Picacho, Ariz., on July 30, 2024. The motorist and Sekrecki managed to get the tortoise off the roadway unharmed. (Arizona Department of Public Safety via AP)

A large desert tortoise found itself in a precarious situation recently when it escaped from an ostrich ranch and ended up on a busy highway in Arizona. The tortoise, weighing over 50 pounds and measuring nearly two feet in length, was spotted by motorists who were shocked to see the slow-moving creature in the midst of speeding cars.

The incident took place just three miles away from the ostrich ranch where the tortoise had made its escape. It is believed that the tortoise managed to slip through a gap in the fence surrounding the ranch and wandered onto the highway in search of food or water.

Fortunately, a Good Samaritan who was driving by noticed the tortoise and immediately pulled over to help. With the help of some passersby, the Good Samaritan was able to safely capture the tortoise and prevent it from being injured by passing vehicles.

The rescuers then contacted local wildlife authorities, who arrived on the scene to assess the situation. They determined that the tortoise was in good health despite its ordeal and decided to transport it back to the ostrich ranch where it belonged.

The owners of the ostrich ranch were relieved to have their missing tortoise returned safely and expressed their gratitude to the rescuers who had intervened. They explained that the tortoise, named “Tank,” had been a beloved resident of the ranch for many years and was considered a member of the family.

The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of securing enclosures for exotic animals and ensuring that they are kept safe and protected from harm. It also highlights the kindness and compassion of individuals who are willing to go out of their way to help animals in need.

In the end, Tank the desert tortoise was safely returned to his home at the ostrich ranch, where he can continue to live out his days in peace and comfort. Thanks to the quick thinking and actions of those involved in his rescue, Tank’s story has a happy ending.