Rural America Advocates for Representation in the 2024 Election

Rural America Advocates for Representation in the 2024 Election

As the 2024 elections heat up and politicians vie for Americans’ votes, an important group is feeling forgotten.

Rural America, home to many agricultural and manufacturing workers, is still figuring out which political message resonates with them, according to Wisconsin farmers Katie and Grant Grinstead.

“I haven’t heard it yet,” Grant told ABC News. “All politicians know how to get a hold of us. And our phone isn’t ringing. They want to understand our views and what we deal with — reach out to us.”

Rural America, home to many agricultural and manufacturing workers, is still attempting to determine which political message resonates with them.

ABC News

Katie and Grant are fourth-generation dairy producers, part of a longstanding and proud tradition in the America’s Dairyland. Wisconsin dairy industry produce more than 25 million gallons annually and contribute $46 billion to the state economy.

They are struggling to survive as the milk production industry continues to shrink. The economics of milk production are no longer favorable for small producers like the Grinsteads.

“If you look back for the last 30 years, we [saw] similar prices in the ’90s [to what] we do here today,” Grant said. “In 2024, the challenge is that everything else around us has gone up in price.”

The Grinsteads have never been more concerned about an election or more politically engaged, the couple told ABC News.

While grappling with the future of their farm and livelihood, Grant worries about the country’s border security. He says America was built on immigration and that Americans have to understand that people want to come here. Grant wants the right people in office to show immigrants how to become American citizens.

Immigrants make up 28% of agriculture workers in the U.S. and about one-third of hospitality workers, according to the Migration Policy Institute.

Rural America, home to many agricultural and manufacturing workers, is still attempting to determine which political message resonates with them.

ABC News

“There are so many industries in the U.S. that rely on migrant workers,” Katie said. “Heads in the sand, because they know we need them. But they’re not willing to champion and stand up and lead it. Because it’s so controversial.”

The Grinsteads prioritize policy and sometimes split their ticket vote, but now more than ever, they need politicians who support rural America.

According to United States Department of Agriculture, only 1.2% of the population are farmers, and yet this small percentage is responsible for feeding the world — she thinks they are sometimes forgotten. They are desperately trying to get the attention of politicians to advocate for policies that will improve their lives.

If the lawmakers continue to ignore their concerns, Grant suggested drastic action.

“Maybe we should stop making food,” Grant said. “Would that get attention?”

In the upcoming 2024 election, rural America is advocating for increased representation and attention from political candidates. As the divide between urban and rural areas continues to grow, residents in rural communities are feeling left behind and are eager to have their voices heard in the political sphere.

Rural America makes up a significant portion of the country’s population, with approximately 60 million people living in rural areas. Despite this large population, rural issues are often overlooked by politicians who focus more on urban areas where the majority of the population resides.

One of the main concerns for rural Americans is the lack of access to essential services such as healthcare, education, and infrastructure. Many rural communities struggle with limited healthcare facilities, schools, and transportation options, making it difficult for residents to access necessary resources. Additionally, rural areas often face economic challenges, with high rates of poverty and unemployment.

In the 2024 election, rural advocates are calling for candidates to address these issues and develop policies that will support and uplift rural communities. They are pushing for increased investment in rural infrastructure, including roads, bridges, and broadband internet access. They are also advocating for policies that will improve access to healthcare services and support rural hospitals and clinics.

Furthermore, rural Americans are calling for candidates to address the unique challenges faced by farmers and agricultural workers. Many rural communities rely on agriculture as their primary source of income, and they are looking for policies that will support small family farms and promote sustainable farming practices.

In order to ensure that their voices are heard in the 2024 election, rural advocates are organizing grassroots campaigns, hosting town hall meetings, and reaching out to political candidates to discuss their concerns. They are working to raise awareness about the issues facing rural America and mobilize support for policies that will benefit rural communities.

Overall, the push for increased representation in the 2024 election is a crucial step towards addressing the needs of rural America and ensuring that all Americans have access to the resources and opportunities they need to thrive. By advocating for their concerns and making their voices heard, rural Americans are working towards a more inclusive and equitable political system that serves all communities across the country.