Russia Issues Warning Regarding US Drone Flights Over Black Sea

Russia Issues Warning Regarding US Drone Flights Over Black Sea

Russia’s Defense Minister ordered officials to prepare a “response” to U.S. drone flights over the Black Sea, the ministry said Friday, in an apparent warning that Moscow may take forceful action to ward off the American reconnaissance aircraft.

The Russian Defense Ministry noted a recent “increased intensity” of U.S. drones over the Black Sea, saying they “conduct intelligence and targeting for precision weapons supplied to the Ukrainian military by Western countries for strikes on Russian facilities.”

“It shows an increased involvement of the U.S. and other NATO countries in the conflict in Ukraine on the side of the Kyiv regime,” the ministry said in a statement.

It noted that “such flights significantly increase the probability of incidents involving Russian military aircraft, which increases the risk of direct confrontation between the alliance and the Russian Federation.”

“NATO members will bear responsibility for that,” it added.

The ministry said that Defense Minister Andrei Belousov has directed the General Staff to “make proposals on measures of operative response to provocations.”

Washington and Moscow have clashed before over U.S. drones in the Black Sea. In a 2023 incident, a Russian fighter jet damaged an American drone there, causing it to crash. A repeat of such a confrontation could further fuel tensions over the war in Ukraine.

On March 14, 2023, a Su-27 fighter jet of the Russian air force intercepted and damaged a U.S. MQ-9 Reaper drone, causing it to crash into the Black Sea. The incident marked the first direct clash between the Russian and U.S. forces since the Cold War.

The Pentagon and U.S. European Command said after the incident that two Russian Su-27 aircraft dumped fuel on the MQ-9, which was conducting a routine surveillance mission over the Black Sea in international airspace.

The Russian Defense Ministry said then that the U.S. drone was flying near the Russian border and intruded into an area that was declared off-limits by Russian authorities.

Russia has declared broad areas near Crimea off-limits to flights. Ever since Russia’s 2014 illegal annexation of Crimea and long before Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, Moscow has accused U.S. surveillance planes of flying too close to its borders while ignoring the notices issued by Russia.

Friday’s Russian statement follows a Ukrainian attack on Sevastopol over the weekend with U.S.-made ATACMS missiles, which killed four and injured about 150, according to Russian authorities.

Russian officials have claimed that the U.S. was directly involved in the attack by providing intelligence and targeting and warned to take retaliatory measures.


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Russia has issued a warning to the United States regarding its drone flights over the Black Sea, citing concerns over potential security risks and violations of international agreements. The Russian Ministry of Defense released a statement expressing its displeasure with the increasing number of US drone flights in the region and called on the US to cease these activities immediately.

The Black Sea has long been a hotbed of tensions between Russia and NATO countries, with both sides conducting military exercises and surveillance operations in the area. The US has been particularly active in conducting drone flights over the Black Sea, using unmanned aerial vehicles to gather intelligence on Russian military activities and monitor the situation in the region.

However, Russia views these drone flights as a provocation and a threat to its national security. The Russian Ministry of Defense has accused the US of violating international agreements by conducting drone flights in the region without prior notification or coordination with Russian authorities. Russia has warned that it will take necessary measures to protect its airspace and ensure the safety of its military personnel operating in the Black Sea.

The US has defended its drone flights over the Black Sea as routine and in accordance with international law. The Pentagon has stated that these flights are conducted in a safe and professional manner and are essential for monitoring Russian military activities in the region. The US has also emphasized its commitment to upholding freedom of navigation and overflight in international waters.

Despite these assurances, tensions between Russia and the US over drone flights in the Black Sea continue to escalate. Both sides have accused each other of aggressive behavior and violating international norms, raising concerns about the potential for a military confrontation in the region.

In light of these developments, it is crucial for both Russia and the US to engage in diplomatic dialogue to address their concerns and prevent any further escalation of tensions. It is important for both sides to respect each other’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, while also upholding international agreements and norms governing military activities in the Black Sea.

As the situation in the Black Sea remains fluid and unpredictable, it is imperative for all parties involved to exercise restraint and avoid actions that could lead to a dangerous escalation of tensions. Diplomatic efforts must be intensified to de-escalate the situation and prevent any incidents that could jeopardize regional stability and security.