Sinkhole forms in the center of a soccer field constructed above a limestone mine

Sinkhole forms in the center of a soccer field constructed above a limestone mine

ALTON, Ill. — A giant sinkhole has swallowed the center of a soccer complex that was built over an operating limestone mine in southern Illinois, taking down a large light pole and leaving a gaping chasm where squads of kids often play. But no injuries were reported after the sinkhole opened Wednesday morning.

“No one was on the field at the time and no one was hurt, and that’s the most important thing,” Alton Mayor David Goins told The (Alton) Telegraph.

Security video that captured the hole’s sudden formation shows a soccer field light pole disappearing into the ground, along with benches and artificial turf at the city’s Gordon Moore Park.

The hole is estimated to be at least 100 feet (30.5 meters) wide and up to 50 feet (15.2 meters) deep, said Michael Haynes, the city’s parks and recreation director.

“It was surreal. Kind of like a movie where the ground just falls out from underneath you,” Haynes told KMOV-TV.

The park and roads around it are now closed indefinitely.

New Frontier Materials Bluff City said the sinkhole resulted from “surface subsidence” at its underground mine in city, located about 25 miles (40 kilometers) north of St. Louis along the Mississippi River.

The collapse was reported to the federal Mine Safety and Health Administration, as required, company spokesman Matt Barkett said. He told The Associated Press it’s his understanding that the limestone mine runs under the city park where the sinkhole appeared.

“The impacted area has been secured and will remain off limits for the foreseeable future while inspectors and experts examine the mine and conduct repairs,” Barkett said in a statement. “We will work with the city to remediate this issue as quickly and safely as possible to ensure minimal impact on the community.”

Haynes said he doesn’t know how the sinkhole will be fixed but that engineers and geologists will most likely be involved in determining the stability of the ground and surrounding areas.

A sinkhole has formed in the center of a soccer field in a town that was constructed above a limestone mine, causing concern among residents and officials. The sinkhole, which measures approximately 30 feet in diameter and 20 feet deep, appeared suddenly and has raised questions about the safety of the area.

The town, located in a region known for its limestone deposits, has a history of sinkholes forming due to the underground mining activities. Limestone mining involves the extraction of rock from underground deposits, leaving behind voids and caverns that can collapse over time, leading to sinkholes on the surface.

In this case, the soccer field was built on top of an old limestone mine that had been abandoned decades ago. The mine was not properly filled in or reinforced, leaving the area vulnerable to sinkhole formation. The weight of the soil and grass above the mine eventually caused the ground to give way, creating the sinkhole.

Sinkholes are a common occurrence in areas with limestone deposits, as the rock is easily dissolved by water, leading to the formation of underground cavities. When these cavities collapse, they can create sinkholes on the surface, posing a risk to structures and infrastructure in the area.

In response to the sinkhole on the soccer field, officials have cordoned off the area and are working to assess the extent of the damage. Engineers and geologists are conducting surveys to determine the stability of the surrounding land and whether there is a risk of further sinkholes forming.

Residents in the area are concerned about the safety of their homes and properties, as sinkholes can cause significant damage and pose a threat to human life. Some are calling for increased monitoring and regulation of mining activities in the region to prevent future sinkholes from occurring.

As the investigation into the sinkhole continues, it serves as a reminder of the potential risks associated with building on top of old mining sites. Proper remediation and reinforcement measures must be taken to ensure the safety of communities living above limestone deposits.