Supporters gather in Paris for global abortion rights rally

Supporters gather in Paris for global abortion rights rally

PARIS — Hundreds of people came out in Paris on Saturday, marching in support of the right to abortion for women across the world, just six months after France became the first country to guarantee in its constitution a woman’s right to voluntarily terminate a pregnancy.

The protest, organized by civil society groups to mark International Safe Abortion Day, also called for greater and easier access to abortion in France, denouncing budget cuts, staff reductions and the closure of abortion centers and maternity wards, which organizers say all contribute to penalizing women.

Sarah Durocher, president of France’s not-for-profit family planning services, said French women sometimes have to travel to another region to access the medical services needed to abort, denouncing the “obstacle course” they sometimes face.

Thibault Thomas, 28, said the ongoing trial of a man who has confessed to drugging his wife so that dozens of men could rape her while she was unconscious, was one of the reasons that motivated him to attend the protest on Saturday.

“There’s a mood in France, a particular context with the Mazan trial,” he said, referring to the name of the small Provence town where the couple had bought their retirement home, and where the repeated rapes occurred.

“This sweeps away all the excuses, or all the mitigating circumstances that we thought could have existed before,” Thomas said. “In fact it is something broader, generalized.”

Earlier this year, France became the only country to explicitly guarantee a woman’s right to voluntarily terminate a pregnancy, when lawmakers overwhelmingly approved a bill to enshrine abortion rights in the constitution.

Abortion in France has been legal since 1975 and enjoys wide support across most of the political spectrum.

Enshrining the right in the Constitution sought to prevent the kind of rollback seen in the United States in recent years.

Still, many in the protest Saturday said the right to abort could never be taken for granted, especially at a time when far-right nationalist parties are gaining influence, in France and other European countries.

“Every time the far right comes to power, sexual and reproductive rights are threatened. I don’t see why there would be a French exception,” said Durocher, stressing that every nine minutes, a woman dies somewhere in the world for not having been able to access safe abortion.. “So obviously these rights are threatened.”

Also in the march on Saturday was a small organization representing Colombian women in Paris, carrying a large purple banner with a feminist sign.

“In France, fortunately, it is enshrined in the constitution. But we know that when we exert pressure in France or in Latin America, we also help all women to say, ‘We are not alone,'” said 49 year-old Talula Rodríguez. “We’re all going to fight for rights, rights over our bodies. It’s our choices.”

On September 28th, supporters from around the world gathered in Paris for a global abortion rights rally. The event, organized by various women’s rights organizations, aimed to raise awareness about the importance of access to safe and legal abortion services for women everywhere.

The rally comes at a critical time, as the right to abortion is under threat in many countries. In recent years, there has been a rise in anti-abortion legislation and policies that restrict women’s access to reproductive healthcare. This has led to an increase in unsafe abortions and maternal mortality rates in some regions.

The supporters who gathered in Paris came from diverse backgrounds and included activists, healthcare providers, and politicians. They marched through the streets carrying signs and chanting slogans in support of women’s reproductive rights. Many shared personal stories of how access to abortion had impacted their lives or the lives of loved ones.

One of the main goals of the rally was to call on governments to prioritize women’s health and rights by ensuring access to safe and legal abortion services. Participants also called for an end to stigma and discrimination against women who seek abortions, as well as for increased funding for reproductive healthcare programs.

The rally in Paris was just one of many events taking place around the world as part of the global abortion rights movement. Supporters hope that by coming together and raising their voices, they can bring about positive change and ensure that all women have the right to make decisions about their own bodies and futures.

Overall, the global abortion rights rally in Paris was a powerful display of solidarity and determination. It sent a strong message to policymakers and the public that women’s reproductive rights are non-negotiable and must be protected at all costs. As the fight for abortion rights continues, supporters remain committed to advocating for a world where every woman has the right to access safe and legal abortion services.
