The SS United States, a historic ship, is being forced to leave its berth in Philadelphia. Will it be able to find a new home?

The SS United States, a historic ship, is being forced to leave its berth in Philadelphia. Will it be able to find a new home?

PHILADELPHIA — The SS United States, a historic ship that still holds the transatlantic speed record it set more than 70 years ago, must leave its berth on the Delaware River in Philadelphia by Sept. 12, a federal judge says.

The decision issued Friday by U.S. District Judge Anita Brody culminated a years-old rent dispute between the conservancy that oversees the 1,000-foot ocean liner and its landlord, Penn Warehousing. It stemmed from an August 2021 decision by Penn Warehousing to double the ship’s daily dockage to $1,700, an increase the conservancy refused to accept.

When the conservancy continued to pay its previous rate, set in 2011, Penn Warehousing terminated the lease in March 2022. After much legal wrangling, Brody held a bench trial in January but also encouraged the two sides to reach a settlement instead of leaving it up to her.

The judge ultimately ruled that the conservancy’s failure to pay the new rate did not amount to a contract breach or entitle Penn Warehousing to damages. But she also ruled that under Pennsylvania contract law, the berthing agreement is terminable at will with reasonable notice, which Penn Warehousing had issued in March 2022.

“The judge’s decision gives us a very limited window to find a new home for the SS United States and raise the resources necessary to move the ship and keep her safe,” Susan Gibbs, conservancy president and granddaughter of the ship’s designer, told The Philadelphia Inquirer.

Besides finding a new home, the conservancy also must obtain funds for insurance, tugs, surveys and dock preparations for a move.

“The best hope of everyone involved was that the conservancy could successfully repurpose the ship,” said Craig Mills, an attorney for Penn Warehousing. “But after decades of decay and delay, it is time to acknowledge the unavoidable and return Pier 82 to productive commercial service.”

Christened in 1952, the SS United States was once considered a beacon of American engineering, doubling as a military vessel that could carry thousands of troops. On its maiden voyage in 1952, it shattered the transatlantic speed record in both directions, when it reached an average speed of 36 knots, or just over 41 mph (66 kph), The Associated Press reported from aboard the ship.

On that voyage, the ship crossed the Atlantic in three days, 10 hours and 40 minutes, besting the RMS Queen Mary’s time by 10 hours. To this day, the SS United States holds the transatlantic speed record for an ocean liner.

It became a reserve ship in 1969 and later bounced to various private owners who hoped to redevelop it but eventually found their plans to be too expensive or poorly timed.

It has loomed for years on south Philadelphia’s Delaware waterfront.

The SS United States, a historic ship known for its record-breaking speed and luxurious design, is facing an uncertain future as it is being forced to leave its berth in Philadelphia. The ship, which has been docked at the South Philadelphia pier for over two decades, is now in danger of being scrapped if a new home cannot be found.

The SS United States was once a symbol of American ingenuity and innovation. Built in 1952, the ship was the fastest ocean liner ever constructed, breaking the transatlantic speed record on its maiden voyage. It was also known for its elegant Art Deco interiors and state-of-the-art technology, making it a favorite among celebrities, politicians, and dignitaries.

However, in the 1960s, with the rise of air travel, the demand for ocean liners declined, and the SS United States was eventually taken out of service in 1969. Since then, the ship has changed hands several times and has been sitting idle in Philadelphia, waiting for a new purpose.

Efforts have been made over the years to preserve the SS United States as a museum or hotel, but funding and logistical challenges have hindered progress. Now, with the ship facing eviction from its current berth, time is running out to save this piece of maritime history.

There is hope that a new home can be found for the SS United States. Several cities, including New York and Miami, have expressed interest in hosting the ship as a tourist attraction or event space. However, the cost of moving and restoring the ship is estimated to be in the tens of millions of dollars, making it a daunting task for any potential buyer.

Despite the challenges, there is a dedicated group of supporters who are working tirelessly to save the SS United States. They believe that the ship’s historical significance and cultural value make it worth preserving for future generations to enjoy.

As the deadline for the ship’s departure looms, the fate of the SS United States hangs in the balance. Will it find a new home and be restored to its former glory, or will it be lost to history forever? Only time will tell, but one thing is certain – the SS United States deserves a second chance to sail again.