The US lifts weapons ban on a Ukrainian military unit with a controversial history

The US lifts weapons ban on a Ukrainian military unit with a controversial history

KYIV, Ukraine — The U.S. has removed restrictions on the transfer of American weapons and training to a high-profile Ukrainian military unit with a checkered past, the State Department said on Tuesday.

The move will help the Azov Brigade, among Ukraine’s most effective and popular fighting units, move beyond its reputation as a far-right movement, a perception its commanders have been trying to dispel as Russian propaganda.

The State Department applied the Leahy vetting process to the Azov Brigade, which has been absorbed into Ukraine’s National Guard as the 12th Special Forces Brigade. U.S. laws prohibits providing providing equipment and training to foreign military unit or individuals suspected of committing gross human rights violations. The State Department found “no evidence of Gross Violations of Human Rights (GVHR) committed by the 12th Brigade Azov,” according to a statement.

“This is a new page in our unit’s history,” the Azov Brigade wrote in a statement on Instagram. “Azov is becoming even more powerful, even more professional and even more dangerous for occupiers.”

“Obtaining western weapons and training from the United States will not only increase the combat ability of Azov, but most importantly, contribute to the preservation of the lives and the health of personnel,” the statement said.

Up until the State Department’s decision, a provision in the U.S. appropriations law prohibited the Azov from sending fighters to Western military exercises or access weapons bought with American funds. Lifting the ban will likely bolster the brigade’s fighting capacity at a difficult time during the war against Russia’s invasion. Ukraine suffers from persistent ammunition and personnel shortages.

In the years since Russia’s full-scale invasion in February 2022, the brigade has tried to recast its public image away from the controversy surrounding its ultranationalist origins to that of an effective and skillful fighting force.

Azov soldiers played a key part in the defense of Mariupol, holding out in a siege and low on ammunition for weeks at the southern port city’s steel mill despite devastating attacks from Russian forces. In Ukraine they are hailed as heroes, remembered for defense of the sprawling plant that became a symbol of Ukrainian tenacity in the war against Russia, and people take to the streets for weekly rallies calling for the release of hundreds of Azov POWs who remain in Russian captivity for two years now.

Moscow has repeatedly portrayed the Azov as a Nazi group and accused it of atrocities, but has publicly given no evidence. In 2022, Russia’s top court officially designated Azov a terrorist group.

The brigade grew out of a group called the Azov Battalion, formed in 2014 as one of many volunteer brigades created to fight Russia-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine. The battalion drew its initial fighters from far-right circles.

While its current members reject accusations of extremism and any ties with far-right movements, the Kremlin has seized on the regiment’s origins to cast Russia’s invasion as a battle against Nazi influence in Ukraine.


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The United States has recently made the decision to lift a weapons ban on a Ukrainian military unit with a controversial history, sparking debate and concern among experts and policymakers. The move comes as tensions between Ukraine and Russia continue to escalate, with ongoing conflict in the eastern regions of Ukraine.

The unit in question, the Azov Battalion, has been at the center of controversy since its formation in 2014. Made up of volunteers, including far-right nationalists and neo-Nazis, the battalion has been accused of human rights abuses and war crimes by international organizations. Despite these allegations, the Azov Battalion has been praised by some for its effectiveness in combatting Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine.

The decision to lift the weapons ban on the Azov Battalion has raised questions about the United States’ support for groups with questionable human rights records. Critics argue that arming the battalion could further exacerbate tensions in the region and lead to more violence and instability. Others believe that the move is necessary to help Ukraine defend itself against Russian aggression.

The lifting of the weapons ban also comes at a time when the United States is reevaluating its relationship with Ukraine. President Joe Biden has expressed support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, but has also called for reforms to address corruption and improve governance in the country.

It remains to be seen how the decision to arm the Azov Battalion will impact the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Some fear that it could escalate the situation and lead to further bloodshed, while others believe it is a necessary step to help Ukraine defend itself against Russian aggression.

As tensions continue to rise in eastern Ukraine, it is clear that the situation is complex and fraught with challenges. The United States’ decision to lift the weapons ban on the Azov Battalion is just one example of the difficult choices that must be made in order to navigate this volatile and dangerous conflict.
