Tragic Shooting of 7-Year-Old Boy Outside His Chicago Home

Tragic Shooting of 7-Year-Old Boy Outside His Chicago Home

Chicago’s mayor and police superintendent are outraged and searching for a killer after a 7-year-old boy was fatally shot in the chest in a random act of gun violence.

The boy left his apartment to visit a next-door neighbor Tuesday afternoon, and when he reached the sidewalk, shots rang out, Chicago police Superintendent Larry Snelling said at a news conference.

Police are searching for the gunman, Snelling said, noting that the shots were fired from “a really good distance.” It is not clear who the shooter was targeting, police said.

PHOTO: Chicago police officers investigate the shooting that left 7-year-old Jai'mani Amir Rivera dead at the Oakley Square Apartments, June 18, 2024, in Chicago.

Chicago police officers investigate the shooting that left 7-year-old Jai’mani Amir Rivera dead at the Oakley Square Apartments, June 18, 2024, in Chicago.


Responding officers immediately applied pressure to the 7-year-old’s chest, Snelling said. The officers then put the boy in the back of their squad car and rushed him to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead, Snelling said.

“The random shooting of this 7-year-old is unacceptable. We really have to think about who we are, as a society, when our kids are being shot in the street,” Snelling said.

PHOTO: Chicago police officers investigate the shooting that left 7-year-old Jai'mani Amir Rivera dead at the Oakley Square Apartments, June 18, 2024, in Chicago.

Chicago police officers investigate the shooting that left 7-year-old Jai’mani Amir Rivera dead at the Oakley Square Apartments, June 18, 2024, in Chicago.


So far this year, 127 children have been victims of gun violence in Chicago, Snelling said at Tuesday’s news conference. Seventeen of those children were killed, he said.

“The grief in this city has become increasingly more unbearable,” Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson added. “The ungodly behavior, the acts of violence that have plagued our city for so long, have reached a breaking point.”

“We will not rest until we bring some justice,” Snelling said.

There have been 961 shooting incidents and 227 murders in Chicago so far this year, according to Chicago police data. Shootings incidents are down 8% in 2024 year-to-date versus last year.

The tragic shooting of a 7-year-old boy outside his Chicago home has once again brought attention to the ongoing issue of gun violence in the city. The young boy, whose name has not been released, was playing outside his home in the South Side neighborhood when he was struck by gunfire. He was rushed to the hospital in critical condition, but unfortunately, he did not survive his injuries.

This senseless act of violence has left the community in shock and mourning. The boy’s family is devastated by the loss of their young son, who was described as a bright and energetic child with a promising future ahead of him. Friends and neighbors have come together to offer support and comfort to the grieving family during this difficult time.

The shooting serves as a stark reminder of the pervasive gun violence that plagues many neighborhoods in Chicago. Despite efforts by local authorities and community organizations to address the issue, shootings continue to occur at an alarming rate. Children are often caught in the crossfire, their lives cut short before they have a chance to reach their full potential.

In response to this tragedy, community leaders are calling for increased gun control measures and greater investment in programs aimed at preventing violence and supporting at-risk youth. They are urging residents to come forward with any information that may help authorities identify and apprehend those responsible for the shooting.

The loss of a young child to gun violence is a heartbreaking and senseless tragedy that should never happen. It is a stark reminder of the urgent need for action to address the root causes of violence in our communities and ensure the safety and well-being of all residents, especially our most vulnerable members.

As we mourn the loss of this young boy, let us also come together as a community to demand justice and work towards creating a safer and more peaceful city for all. Our children deserve to grow up in a world free from the fear of gun violence, and it is up to all of us to make that a reality.