Ukraine’s Army Withdraws from Positions as Russia Advances Toward Strategic Town

Ukraine's Army Withdraws from Positions as Russia Advances Toward Strategic Town

KYIV, Ukraine — A spokesperson for Ukraine’s military said its army has retreated from a neighborhood in the outskirts of Chasiv Yar, a strategically important town in the eastern Donetsk region which has been reduced to rubble under a months-long Russian assault.

Chasiv Yar lies a short distance west Bakhmut, which was captured by Russia last year after a bitter 10-month battle. For months, Russian forces have focused on capturing Chasiv Yar, a town which occupies a strategic, elevated location. Its fall would put nearby cities in jeopardy, compromise critical Ukrainian supply routes and bring Russia closer to its stated aim of seizing the entire Donetsk region.

The Ukrainian army retreated from a northeastern neighborhood in the town of Nazar Voloshyn, the spokesman for the Khortytsia ground forces formation, told The Associated Press in a written message Thursday.

Ukraine’s defensive positions in the town were “destroyed,” he said, adding that there was a threat of serious casualties if troops remained in the area and that Russia did not leave “a single intact building.”

Months of relentless Russian artillery strikes have devastated Chasiv Yar, with homes and municipal offices charred, and a town that once had a population of 12,000 has been left deserted.

The intensity of Russian strikes on Ukraine’s defensive line in the area of Chasiv Yar has increased over the last month, Voloshyn said.

In the past week alone, Voloshyn said Russia has carried out nearly 1,300 strikes, fired nearly 130 glide bombs and made 44 ground assaults.

Other Russian attacks in recent weeks have focused on capturing nearby settlements that would allow them to advance to Kramatorsk and Sloviansk, the biggest cities in the Ukrainian-controlled part of the Donetsk region.

Ukrainian commanders in the area say their resources remain stretched, largely due to a months-long gap in military assistance from the United States which threw Ukraine’s military onto the defensive.

In June, members of the artillery brigade in Chasiv Yar reported that supplies of American ammunition had started to arrive.

Elsewhere in Ukraine, the governor of the northern Chernihiv region, Viacheslav Chaus, said Russia launched 22 drones over Ukraine last night. One hit an infrastructure facility in the northern Chernihiv region, leaving nearly 6,000 customers without electricity, he said, adding that the rest were shot down.

Russia is continually targeting Ukraine’s badly-damaged energy infrastructure, resulting in hours of rolling blackouts across the country. Ukrainian officials have warned that the situation may worsen as winter approaches.

Ukraine’s Army Withdraws from Positions as Russia Advances Toward Strategic Town

In a significant development in the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia, Ukraine’s army has been forced to withdraw from positions as Russian forces advance toward the strategic town of Mariupol. The town, located in southeastern Ukraine near the border with Russia, has been a key battleground in the conflict, with both sides vying for control.

The withdrawal of Ukrainian forces comes as Russian troops have made significant gains in recent weeks, pushing further into Ukrainian territory and putting pressure on key cities and towns. The advance toward Mariupol is particularly concerning, as the town is a major port on the Sea of Azov and a key economic hub for the region.

The situation in Mariupol is dire, with reports of heavy fighting and civilian casualties as Russian forces close in on the town. Ukrainian officials have expressed concern about the potential for a humanitarian crisis in the area, as thousands of residents have been forced to flee their homes in the face of the advancing Russian troops.

The withdrawal of Ukrainian forces from positions near Mariupol is a blow to Ukraine’s efforts to defend its territory and push back against Russian aggression. The move highlights the challenges facing Ukraine’s military as it struggles to hold off the well-equipped and heavily armed Russian forces.

The international community has condemned Russia’s actions in Ukraine, with many countries imposing sanctions and calling for a peaceful resolution to the conflict. However, diplomatic efforts have so far failed to halt the advance of Russian troops, leaving Ukraine with few options for defending its territory.

As the situation in Mariupol continues to deteriorate, the world watches with growing concern as the conflict between Ukraine and Russia escalates. The fate of the town and its residents hangs in the balance, as both sides prepare for what could be a decisive battle in the ongoing war.

In conclusion, the withdrawal of Ukrainian forces from positions near Mariupol is a troubling development in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia. As Russian forces advance toward the strategic town, the international community must redouble its efforts to find a peaceful resolution to the conflict and prevent further bloodshed in this war-torn region.