Ukrainian President calls on EU leaders to fulfill arms promises

Ukrainian President calls on EU leaders to fulfill arms promises

BRUSSELS — Ukraine’s president called on European Union leaders on Thursday to live up to their promises to provide military equipment to his war-ravaged country, as the bloc pledged to support the government in Kyiv long term.

“Fulfilment of every promise is important, not only in terms of protecting lives but also to destroy the Russian illusion that they will achieve something by war,” President Volodymyr Zelenskyy told the leaders at an EU summit in Brussels.

Russian forces are seeking to press their advantage in troop numbers and weaponry before Ukraine’s armed forces are bulked up by promised new Western military aid, some of which is trickling to the front line, analysts say.

Zelenskyy thanked countries that have promised equipment, weapons and ammunition, but underlined that “we need them urgently on the battlefield.” He also appealed for more help on “the urgent things -– air defense, that is one.”

Zelenskyy and the leaders signed a 12-page document of “joint security commitments” to each other. In essence, it encapsulates what the 27-nation bloc has been doing for the country in terms of financial, military and other assistance since Russian forces invaded in February 2022.

The EU, for its part, commits to the “predictable, efficient, sustainable and long-term provision of military equipment,” help with military training and building Ukraine’s defense sector, plus increased cooperation on cyber and hybrid threats, like information manipulation and interference.

It also vows to help with mine clearance, security and law enforcement reform, energy security and nuclear safety, as well as assistance with rebuilding Ukraine’s shattered infrastructure, hospitals and buildings, and to hold accountable those suspected of war crimes.

Ukraine promised to uphold European values and continue on its reform path in preparation to join the EU, including by ensuring civilian control over its security and defense forces. It also pledged to boost transparency and accountability in the way that it uses EU assistance.

Several countries already have similar bilateral agreements with Ukraine, offering a long-term commitment to help Kyiv, including once its war with Russia is over. Zelenskyy and U.S. President Joe Biden signed one such pact earlier this month which will run for the next decade.

The EU’s document was signed in the same week that it launched membership talks with Ukraine, a decade after Russian troops seized the Crimean Peninsula to deter the country from moving closer to the West, part of a chain of events that set the two neighbors on the path to war.

“We waited for this a long period of time,” Zelenskyy told reporters, thanking the EU for its approval.

The bloc is notably concerned about rampant corruption in Ukraine and this must be corrected before the country can join. The accession process is likely to take several years.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky recently called on European Union leaders to fulfill their promises of providing military support to Ukraine in its ongoing conflict with Russia. Zelensky’s plea comes as tensions between Ukraine and Russia continue to escalate, with reports of increased Russian military presence near the Ukrainian border.

In a speech to the European Parliament, Zelensky urged EU leaders to honor their commitments to provide Ukraine with arms and military assistance. He emphasized the importance of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, stating that the country is in need of support to defend itself against Russian aggression.

The conflict between Ukraine and Russia began in 2014, when Russia annexed Crimea and backed separatist rebels in eastern Ukraine. Since then, the conflict has resulted in thousands of deaths and displaced millions of people. Despite a ceasefire agreement being reached in 2015, sporadic fighting has continued in the region.

The EU has imposed sanctions on Russia in response to its actions in Ukraine, but Zelensky believes that more concrete support is needed to deter further aggression. He called on EU leaders to provide Ukraine with defensive weapons, including anti-tank missiles and air defense systems, to help bolster its defenses against Russian forces.

Zelensky’s plea comes at a critical time, as tensions between Ukraine and Russia have reached a boiling point. The recent buildup of Russian troops near the Ukrainian border has raised concerns of a potential escalation of hostilities. In response, the United States has pledged its support for Ukraine, with President Joe Biden reaffirming America’s commitment to defending Ukraine’s sovereignty.

The situation in Ukraine remains volatile, and the international community must act swiftly to prevent further bloodshed. Zelensky’s call for EU leaders to fulfill their promises of providing arms to Ukraine is a crucial step towards deterring Russian aggression and ensuring the security and stability of the region. It is imperative that EU leaders heed Zelensky’s plea and take decisive action to support Ukraine in its time of need.