Visitors at Yellowstone National Park flee after geyser explosion

Visitors at Yellowstone National Park flee after geyser explosion

A geyser explosion in Yellowstone National Park sent dozens of visitors running Tuesday morning, officials said.

Videos taken of the event show the dramatic moment, with water and debris raining down over the park’s Biscuit Basin thermal area, about two miles from Old Faithful.

A geyser explosion in Yellowstone National Park sends visitors running, on July 23, 2024.

Vlada March via Storyful

The geothermal explosion damaged the boardwalk, but did not cause any injuries, officials said.

The Biscuit Basin has been temporarily closed while geologists investigate the event.

A geyser explosion in Yellowstone National Park sends visitors running, on July 23, 2024.

Vlada March via Storyful

Hydrothermal explosions are somewhat common in the area, occurring when underground water suddenly turns to steam.

Similar eruptions occurred at Biscuit Basin in 1959, 1991 and 2009.

Yellowstone National Park is known for its stunning natural beauty, diverse wildlife, and unique geothermal features. One of the most iconic attractions in the park is the Old Faithful geyser, which erupts with impressive regularity, delighting visitors with its powerful display of water and steam. However, on a recent visit to the park, visitors were met with a frightening surprise when a geyser unexpectedly exploded, sending people running for safety.

The incident occurred on a sunny afternoon, when a group of tourists had gathered near the Old Faithful geyser to witness its famous eruption. As the geyser began to spout water and steam into the air, onlookers marveled at the spectacle unfolding before them. But suddenly, without warning, there was a loud rumbling sound followed by a massive explosion of water and rocks from the geyser.

Panic ensued as visitors scrambled to get out of harm’s way, with some people tripping and falling in their haste to escape the danger. Fortunately, no one was seriously injured in the incident, but many were left shaken and traumatized by the experience.

Park rangers quickly sprang into action, evacuating the area around the geyser and ensuring that all visitors were accounted for. The cause of the explosion is still under investigation, but experts believe that a buildup of pressure within the geyser may have been responsible for the sudden eruption.

This incident serves as a stark reminder of the unpredictable and potentially dangerous nature of geothermal features in Yellowstone National Park. While these natural wonders are undoubtedly awe-inspiring, they also pose risks to visitors who may not fully appreciate the power and volatility of these geological phenomena.

In light of this event, park officials are urging visitors to exercise caution and follow all safety guidelines when exploring Yellowstone’s geothermal areas. It is important to stay on designated paths and boardwalks, keep a safe distance from geysers and hot springs, and be aware of any warning signs or alerts issued by park rangers.

As visitors at Yellowstone National Park continue to enjoy the wonders of nature, it is crucial that they do so responsibly and with a keen awareness of the potential hazards that exist in this unique and dynamic environment. By respecting the power of geothermal features like Old Faithful geyser, visitors can ensure a safe and enjoyable experience while exploring one of America’s most treasured national parks.