Women awarded $300 million in lawsuit against doctor for alleged sex abuse at Virginia children’s hospital

Women awarded $300 million in lawsuit against doctor for alleged sex abuse at Virginia children's hospital

RICHMOND, Va. — A jury has ruled in favor of three women who alleged they were sexually abused while patients at a Virginia children’s hospital, awarding them a total of $300 million in damages.

The jury in Richmond Circuit Court on Friday awarded each woman $60 million in compensatory damages and $40 million in punitive damages, WTVR-TV reported.

A total of 46 former patients sued the Cumberland Hospital for Children and Adolescents in New Kent, which treats vulnerable children, and Dr. Daniel Davidow, the hospital’s longtime medical director. In this first trial, the three former patients alleged that Davidow inappropriately touched them during femoral pulse exams.

“To have a group of people — a group of strangers — to look at them, to listen to them, to tell them that they believe them, that they believe in them, it broke them down, it broke them down in tears immediately,” said Kevin Biniazan, the women’s lawyer. ”It brook us all down in tears.”

Davidow’s attorney, Bob Donnelly, told the jury during opening statements that Davidow “unequivocally denies” the sexual assault allegations. Donnelly said the femoral pulse exam conducted by Davidow dates back to the 1960s and 1970s and is a “standard examination.”

Davidow was acquitted of felony sex abuse charges against two other former patients after a criminal trial in April.

The next civil trial is scheduled in March.

In a groundbreaking legal victory, a group of women have been awarded $300 million in a lawsuit against a doctor accused of sexual abuse at a children’s hospital in Virginia. The case, which has been ongoing for several years, has finally come to a close with this significant settlement.

The lawsuit alleged that the doctor, who worked at the hospital for many years, engaged in inappropriate and abusive behavior towards young female patients. The women involved in the case claimed that the doctor took advantage of his position of power and trust to sexually abuse them during their time at the hospital.

The settlement of $300 million is one of the largest ever awarded in a case of this nature, and serves as a powerful message that sexual abuse will not be tolerated, especially when it involves vulnerable individuals such as children. The women who came forward to speak out against the doctor showed incredible courage and strength in standing up for themselves and seeking justice for the harm that was done to them.

This case also highlights the importance of holding institutions accountable for the actions of their employees. The hospital where the abuse took place has faced criticism for failing to properly supervise the doctor and protect the young patients in their care. It is crucial that organizations take proactive measures to prevent and address instances of abuse within their facilities to ensure the safety and well-being of those they serve.

The outcome of this lawsuit sends a clear message that perpetrators of sexual abuse will be held accountable for their actions, no matter their position or status. It also serves as a reminder of the importance of believing and supporting survivors of abuse, and providing them with the resources and support they need to heal and seek justice.

Overall, this case serves as a powerful example of the impact that survivors can have when they come together to seek justice and hold abusers accountable. It is a step towards creating a safer and more just society for all individuals, especially those who are most vulnerable.
