Young Chicago Voters Discuss 2024 Presidential Election at Democratic National Convention

Young Chicago Voters Discuss 2024 Presidential Election at Democratic National Convention

Perhaps no demographic group has had more ink spilled about it this election year than young voters. Traditionally a Democratic group, 18- to 29-year-olds soured on Joe Biden’s presidency faster than many other groups — and that was before the war between Israel and Hamas touched off protests on college campuses and alienated young voters from Biden even further.

However, with Vice President Kamala Harris replacing Biden as the Democratic nominee, young voters seem to have returned to the Democratic fold. According to an ABC News/Washington Post/Ipsos poll from Aug. 9-13, registered voters under age 40 supported Harris over former President Donald Trump 57% to 37%. By contrast, in the previous ABC News/Washington Post/Ipsos poll, they supported Biden over Trump just 46% to 44%.

Of course, polls can tell us who voters support, but not necessarily why. So while in Chicago for the Democratic National Convention, we convened a panel of three young voters — one liberal, one moderate and one conservative — to see how they were thinking about the 2024 election.

Three young voters — one liberal, one moderate and one conservative — discussed their thoughts on the 2024 election while in Chicago for the Democratic National Convention.

ABC News

Two of them said they were likely to vote for Harris, while one was likely to vote for Trump, mirroring young voters overall. Among the reasons they gave included the candidates’ economic plans, high prices, health care, crime and the war in Gaza. Interestingly, all three panelists cited the economy as one of the most important factors to their vote — just as polls show that the economy is the top issue for young voters nationwide — but that didn’t always lead them to the same conclusions.

Before Biden dropped out of the race, both panelists we interviewed said they were likely to support him, but they were feeling much better about supporting the Democratic ticket now that Harris is headlining it. This mirrors a spike in enthusiasm among Democratic voters that has shown up in poll after poll since Biden’s withdrawal.

All three panelists also hailed from Chicago, and they weighed in on what it meant to them that the Windy City was once again hosting a DNC and whether anything they heard at the convention could change their votes.

Although young voters are usually only a small slice of the electorate, they are an important part of the Democratic coalition, so any drop in support among them could be a problem for Democrats. Our discussion shed some light on how these voters are approaching the 2024 election.

As the 2024 Presidential Election draws near, young voters in Chicago are eagerly discussing their thoughts and opinions on the upcoming race. At the recent Democratic National Convention, many young Chicagoans gathered to share their perspectives on the candidates and issues that matter most to them.

One of the key topics of discussion among young voters in Chicago is the importance of addressing climate change. With extreme weather events becoming more frequent and the impacts of climate change becoming increasingly severe, many young voters are looking for a candidate who will prioritize environmental protection and sustainability. They are eager to see concrete plans for reducing carbon emissions, investing in renewable energy sources, and protecting natural habitats.

Another pressing issue for young Chicago voters is healthcare. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of access to affordable healthcare for all Americans, and many young voters are looking for a candidate who will work to expand healthcare coverage and reduce costs. They are also concerned about mental health services and addiction treatment, and want to see a comprehensive approach to addressing these issues.

Gun violence is another top concern for young voters in Chicago. The city has long struggled with high rates of gun violence, and many young voters are looking for a candidate who will take meaningful action to address this crisis. They want to see common-sense gun control measures implemented, as well as investments in community-based violence prevention programs.

Education is also a key issue for young Chicago voters. Many are concerned about the rising cost of college tuition and student loan debt, and want to see a candidate who will work to make higher education more affordable and accessible. They also want to see improvements in K-12 education, including increased funding for public schools and support for teachers.

Overall, young Chicago voters are looking for a candidate who will address the pressing issues facing their city and the country as a whole. They are eager to see bold, progressive policies that will create positive change and improve the lives of all Americans. As the 2024 Presidential Election approaches, these young voters will be closely watching the candidates and their platforms, and they are determined to make their voices heard at the ballot box.