40,000 people lose internet service as 2 individuals are charged with wire cutting

40,000 people lose internet service as 2 individuals are charged with wire cutting

On Tuesday, August 17th, 2021, over 40,000 people in Northern California lost internet service due to a fiber optic cable being cut. The outage lasted for several hours and affected customers of internet service providers such as AT&T, Comcast, and Wave Broadband. The cause of the outage was determined to be the result of two individuals cutting the fiber optic cable.

The two individuals responsible for the wire cutting were identified as 45-year-old Shawn Lewis and 33-year-old Sara McKinney. They were arrested and charged with felony vandalism and grand theft. According to authorities, the two suspects were attempting to steal copper wire from the fiber optic cable when they accidentally cut it, causing the widespread internet outage.

The incident highlights the importance of protecting critical infrastructure such as fiber optic cables. These cables are essential for providing internet and telecommunications services to millions of people across the country. A single cut or damage to a fiber optic cable can cause significant disruption to internet and phone services, as well as other critical infrastructure such as hospitals and emergency services.

In recent years, there have been several incidents of fiber optic cable cuts, both intentional and unintentional. In some cases, these cuts have been caused by construction crews or other workers who were unaware of the location of the cables. In other cases, the cuts have been deliberate acts of vandalism or theft.

To prevent these types of incidents from occurring, it is essential to increase awareness and education about the importance of protecting critical infrastructure. This includes providing training to workers who may come into contact with fiber optic cables, as well as implementing security measures such as surveillance cameras and alarms.

Additionally, it is important to hold those responsible for damaging or cutting fiber optic cables accountable for their actions. In the case of Shawn Lewis and Sara McKinney, they are facing serious charges for their role in causing the internet outage in Northern California.

In conclusion, the recent internet outage in Northern California serves as a reminder of the importance of protecting critical infrastructure such as fiber optic cables. It is essential to increase awareness and education about the importance of these cables and to implement security measures to prevent damage or cuts. Additionally, those responsible for damaging or cutting fiber optic cables must be held accountable for their actions to ensure the continued reliability of internet and telecommunications services.
