Al Sharpton attributes systemic issues for the death of Florida mother by neighbor at funeral

Al Sharpton attributes systemic issues for the death of Florida mother by neighbor at funeral

Civil rights activist and political commentator Al Sharpton recently spoke out about the death of a Florida mother who was shot and killed by her neighbor. The tragic incident occurred on May 5th, 2021, in Pembroke Pines, Florida, when 40-year-old Latoya Ratlieff was fatally shot by her neighbor, 61-year-old Douglas Marks. Ratlieff was walking her dog when she was shot in the head by Marks, who claimed that he thought she was an intruder.

At Ratlieff’s funeral, Sharpton addressed the systemic issues that he believes contributed to her death. He stated that the incident was not just about one individual’s actions but rather about a larger problem of racism and gun violence in America. Sharpton emphasized that Ratlieff’s death was a result of a system that allows individuals to have easy access to guns and encourages a culture of fear and suspicion towards people of color.

Sharpton also criticized the media’s portrayal of Ratlieff’s death, stating that they focused too much on the individual actions of Marks rather than examining the larger societal issues at play. He argued that the media’s coverage of the incident perpetuates a narrative that frames incidents like these as isolated incidents rather than part of a larger pattern of violence against people of color.

Sharpton’s comments at Ratlieff’s funeral highlight the need for systemic change in America to address issues of racism and gun violence. The United States has one of the highest rates of gun violence in the world, with an average of 106 deaths per day from firearms. This problem is compounded by the fact that people of color are disproportionately affected by gun violence. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Black Americans are 10 times more likely to die from gun violence than white Americans.

Furthermore, incidents like Ratlieff’s death highlight the need for greater accountability for individuals who commit acts of violence. Marks, the man who shot Ratlieff, was charged with second-degree murder and is currently awaiting trial. However, many individuals who commit acts of violence against people of color are not held accountable for their actions.

In conclusion, Al Sharpton’s comments at Latoya Ratlieff’s funeral shed light on the larger systemic issues that contributed to her death. His words serve as a reminder that incidents like these are not isolated incidents but rather part of a larger pattern of violence against people of color in America. It is crucial that we address these issues through systemic change and greater accountability for individuals who commit acts of violence. Only then can we hope to create a safer and more just society for all.