Death of Carlton Pearson, Founder of Influential Megachurch Who Rejected the Concept of Hell, at the Age of 70

Death of Carlton Pearson, Founder of Influential Megachurch Who Rejected the Concept of Hell, at the Age of 70

Death of Carlton Pearson, Founder of Influential Megachurch Who Rejected the Concept of Hell, at the Age of 70

On May 31, 2022, the world mourned the loss of Carlton Pearson, a prominent figure in the world of Christianity and the founder of an influential megachurch. Pearson, who passed away at the age of 70, was known for his controversial stance on the concept of hell, which led to his eventual departure from mainstream Christianity.

Born on March 19, 1953, in San Diego, California, Carlton Pearson grew up in a deeply religious family. He began his journey in ministry at a young age and quickly rose to prominence within the Pentecostal movement. Pearson’s charismatic preaching style and ability to connect with audiences earned him a significant following.

In 1977, Pearson founded Higher Dimensions Evangelistic Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The church grew rapidly, eventually becoming one of the largest megachurches in the United States. Pearson’s influence extended beyond his congregation as he gained recognition as a respected leader within the Pentecostal community.

However, it was Pearson’s theological shift that would ultimately define his legacy. In the late 1990s, he began questioning the traditional Christian belief in eternal damnation and the concept of hell. Pearson’s evolving views led him to embrace a doctrine known as universal reconciliation or universalism. He believed that God’s love was all-encompassing and that ultimately, all souls would be saved.

This departure from mainstream Christian theology caused a significant rift within Pearson’s congregation and the broader evangelical community. Many saw his rejection of hell as a betrayal of core Christian beliefs and accused him of heresy. Pearson faced immense backlash, with some churches disassociating themselves from him and his ministry.

Despite the controversy, Pearson remained steadfast in his beliefs and continued to preach his message of inclusion and love. He founded the New Dimensions Worship Center, which became a sanctuary for those who felt marginalized by traditional Christianity. Pearson’s teachings resonated with many individuals who had previously felt condemned or excluded by the church.

In recent years, Pearson’s influence extended beyond the walls of his church. His story gained international attention when it was adapted into the Netflix film “Come Sunday” in 2018. The movie depicted his struggle with faith and the aftermath of his theological shift. Pearson’s story served as a catalyst for discussions on the nature of God’s love and the boundaries of religious doctrine.

The passing of Carlton Pearson marks the end of an era for those who followed his teachings and admired his courage to challenge long-held beliefs. While his views on hell may have been controversial, Pearson’s impact on the lives of many cannot be denied. He leaves behind a legacy of compassion, inclusivity, and a willingness to question established dogmas.

As the news of his death spread, tributes poured in from both supporters and critics alike. Many praised Pearson for his unwavering commitment to his beliefs, while others acknowledged the significant impact he had on shaping contemporary Christian thought.

Carlton Pearson’s death serves as a reminder of the power of one person’s convictions to challenge and reshape long-standing religious traditions. His legacy will continue to inspire dialogue and reflection on the nature of faith, love, and the boundaries of religious doctrine for years to come.