Developing: An active shooting situation is currently taking place in a neighborhood in Pittsburgh

Developing: An active shooting situation is currently taking place in a neighborhood in Pittsburgh

Title: Pittsburgh Neighborhood Under Siege: Responding to an Active Shooting Situation


In a shocking turn of events, a quiet neighborhood in Pittsburgh has become the scene of an active shooting situation. As law enforcement agencies rush to contain the situation and ensure the safety of residents, it is crucial for individuals to understand how to respond effectively in such a crisis. This article aims to provide valuable information on how to stay safe and assist authorities during an active shooting situation.

1. Stay Informed:

During an active shooting situation, accurate information is vital. Stay tuned to local news channels, radio stations, or official social media accounts for updates from law enforcement agencies. Avoid spreading unverified information, as it can lead to panic and hinder the authorities’ efforts.

2. Shelter in Place or Evacuate:

If you are in the vicinity of the active shooting, your immediate response should be to find a safe location. If you are inside a building, lock all doors, turn off lights, and close blinds or curtains. Stay away from windows and remain as quiet as possible. If you are outside, seek cover behind solid objects such as walls or vehicles until you can reach a safe location.

In some cases, law enforcement may instruct residents to evacuate the area. Follow their instructions carefully and move quickly but calmly to designated safe zones or evacuation points. Do not attempt to return home until authorities declare the area secure.

3. Contact Emergency Services:

As soon as you are in a safe location, contact emergency services by dialing 911. Provide them with clear and concise information about the situation, including your location and any details about the shooter(s) that you may have observed. Stay on the line with the operator until they advise you otherwise.

4. Active Shooter Response Options:

In an active shooting situation, individuals have three primary options for response: Run, Hide, or Fight.

– Run: If there is a clear and safe path to escape, leave the area immediately. Encourage others to do the same but do not wait for them if they hesitate. Remember, your safety is paramount.

– Hide: If running is not an option, find a secure hiding place. Choose a room with a lockable door and barricade it with heavy furniture if possible. Silence your cell phone and remain quiet until law enforcement arrives.

– Fight: If confronted by the shooter and there is no other option, be prepared to fight for your life. Use any available objects as weapons, aim for vulnerable areas, and work together with others to overpower the attacker.

5. Cooperate with Law Enforcement:

When law enforcement arrives on the scene, follow their instructions carefully. Keep your hands visible and avoid making sudden movements that may be mistaken as a threat. Provide any information you have about the situation or the shooter(s) to the authorities.


While an active shooting situation is undoubtedly a terrifying experience, knowing how to respond can significantly increase your chances of survival. By staying informed, finding a safe location, contacting emergency services, and following the instructions of law enforcement, you can help protect yourself and others during this critical time. Remember, preparation and quick thinking are key when faced with such a crisis.