Discovery of an Ancient Mayan City in the Dense Mexican Jungle

Discovery of an Ancient Mayan City in the Dense Mexican Jungle

In 2018, a team of archaeologists made an incredible discovery in the dense jungles of Mexico. They stumbled upon an ancient Mayan city that had been hidden for centuries. The discovery has shed new light on the Mayan civilization and has provided valuable insights into their way of life.

The city, which has been named “Kaanul,” is believed to have been built around 1,000 years ago. It is located in the state of Campeche, which is in the southeastern part of Mexico. The city covers an area of around 22 hectares and is thought to have been home to around 10,000 people.

The discovery of Kaanul was made possible thanks to the use of cutting-edge technology. The archaeologists used LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) technology to scan the dense jungle canopy. This allowed them to create a detailed map of the area and identify structures that were hidden beneath the trees.

Once the team had identified the location of Kaanul, they set about excavating the site. They found a number of well-preserved buildings, including pyramids, palaces, and temples. The buildings were adorned with intricate carvings and murals that depicted scenes from Mayan mythology.

One of the most impressive structures that was discovered was a pyramid that stood over 30 meters tall. It is thought to have been used for religious ceremonies and would have been a focal point for the city’s inhabitants.

The discovery of Kaanul has provided archaeologists with a wealth of new information about the Mayan civilization. It has shown that the Mayans were capable of building large, complex cities in the middle of dense jungles. It has also revealed that they had a sophisticated understanding of astronomy and were able to use this knowledge to create accurate calendars.

The discovery of Kaanul has also raised questions about why the city was abandoned. It is thought that the city was abandoned around 1,000 years ago, but the reasons for this are not yet clear. Some experts believe that the city may have been abandoned due to environmental factors, such as drought or disease. Others believe that it may have been due to political instability or conflict.

Despite the many questions that remain unanswered, the discovery of Kaanul is a significant milestone in our understanding of the Mayan civilization. It has shown that there is still much to learn about this fascinating culture and has provided a glimpse into their way of life. As archaeologists continue to explore the site, we can expect to learn even more about this ancient city and the people who lived there.