Iranian Activists Stage Hunger Strike in Protest of Mohammad Ghobadlou’s Execution

Iranian Activists Stage Hunger Strike in Protest of Mohammad Ghobadlou's Execution

Title: Iranian Activists Stage Hunger Strike in Protest of Mohammad Ghobadlou’s Execution


In recent weeks, Iran has witnessed a surge in activism and protests following the execution of Mohammad Ghobadlou, a prominent Iranian dissident. Outraged by what they perceive as an unjust act, a group of Iranian activists has embarked on a hunger strike to draw attention to the human rights violations occurring within the country. This article aims to shed light on the reasons behind the hunger strike and the broader implications it holds for Iran’s political landscape.


Mohammad Ghobadlou was a vocal critic of the Iranian government and an advocate for human rights. He was arrested in 2019 on charges of “spreading corruption on earth” and “insulting the Supreme Leader.” Despite international pleas for clemency, Ghobadlou was executed on July 15, 2022. His execution sparked outrage among activists and human rights organizations worldwide, who condemned Iran’s disregard for due process and freedom of expression.

The Hunger Strike:

In response to Ghobadlou’s execution, a group of Iranian activists, including former political prisoners, journalists, and human rights defenders, have initiated a hunger strike. The hunger strike is both a form of protest against Ghobadlou’s execution and a broader statement against the Iranian government’s oppressive policies.

Reasons behind the Hunger Strike:

1. Demand for Justice: The hunger strikers are demanding justice for Mohammad Ghobadlou and all other political prisoners who have been subjected to unfair trials and executions. They seek an end to the culture of impunity that allows such violations to persist.

2. Freedom of Expression: By staging a hunger strike, activists aim to highlight the shrinking space for freedom of expression in Iran. They argue that dissenting voices are systematically silenced through arrests, imprisonment, and even execution, creating an atmosphere of fear and self-censorship.

3. International Attention: The hunger strike serves as a call to the international community to take notice of Iran’s human rights abuses. Activists hope that increased global pressure will push the Iranian government to reconsider its policies and respect the rights of its citizens.


The hunger strike by Iranian activists carries significant implications for both the domestic and international arenas:

1. Domestic Impact: The hunger strike challenges the Iranian government’s authority and exposes its human rights record. By risking their own health and well-being, the activists aim to inspire others within Iran to join their cause and demand change.

2. International Pressure: The hunger strike draws attention to Iran’s human rights violations on the global stage. Human rights organizations, governments, and international bodies are more likely to scrutinize Iran’s actions, potentially leading to diplomatic consequences or sanctions.

3. Solidarity and Empathy: The hunger strike resonates with activists and human rights defenders worldwide, fostering a sense of solidarity and empathy. It encourages others to stand up against injustice and support those risking their lives for a just cause.


The hunger strike staged by Iranian activists in protest of Mohammad Ghobadlou’s execution is a powerful act of defiance against Iran’s oppressive regime. By sacrificing their own well-being, these activists aim to shed light on the human rights abuses occurring within the country and demand justice for Ghobadlou and other political prisoners. The hunger strike serves as a rallying cry for change, both domestically and internationally, and emphasizes the importance of upholding fundamental human rights in Iran and beyond.