Man attacked by mountain lion while relaxing in hot tub with wife

Man attacked by mountain lion while relaxing in hot tub with wife

A man was recently attacked by a mountain lion while relaxing in a hot tub with his wife in their backyard in Colorado. The incident occurred on August 10, 2021, and left the man with injuries to his face, arms, legs, and back. The wife was able to fend off the mountain lion with a broomstick and the couple was able to escape the attack.

Mountain lion attacks on humans are rare, but they do occur. According to the Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW), there have been 22 mountain lion attacks on humans in the state since 1990, with three fatalities. Mountain lions are solitary animals and typically avoid humans, but they can become aggressive if they feel threatened or if they are hungry.

The CPW recommends that people living in mountain lion habitat take precautions to reduce the risk of an attack. These precautions include:

– Do not feed wildlife, as this can attract mountain lions and other predators.

– Keep pets indoors or in enclosed areas, especially at night.

– Install motion-activated lights and/or a fence around your property.

– Do not approach a mountain lion if you see one. Instead, try to make yourself look bigger by raising your arms and standing on your toes. Make noise and throw objects if necessary to scare the animal away.

– If you are attacked by a mountain lion, fight back with whatever you have available – rocks, sticks, your bare hands. Do not play dead.

In the case of the recent attack on the man in Colorado, it is unclear why the mountain lion approached the hot tub. It is possible that it was attracted by the scent of the water or the couple’s presence. The CPW is currently investigating the incident and has set traps in the area to try to capture the mountain lion.

The man who was attacked is expected to recover from his injuries, but the incident serves as a reminder that we share our environment with wild animals and must take precautions to stay safe. If you live in an area where mountain lions are present, be aware of their habits and take steps to reduce the risk of an attack. And if you do encounter a mountain lion, remember to stay calm, make yourself look big, and fight back if necessary.