Putin provides statement on Prigozhin plane crash and bodies transferred to medical examiner’s office

Putin provides statement on Prigozhin plane crash and bodies transferred to medical examiner's office

On October 4th, 2021, Russian President Vladimir Putin issued a statement regarding the tragic plane crash involving the aircraft owned by Yevgeny Prigozhin, a prominent Russian businessman. The incident occurred earlier that day near the city of Yaroslavl, resulting in the loss of several lives. In his statement, President Putin expressed his condolences to the families of the victims and provided an update on the ongoing investigation.

According to President Putin, the bodies of those who perished in the crash have been transferred to the medical examiner’s office for further examination. This step is crucial in determining the cause of the accident and ensuring a thorough investigation. The President emphasized that all necessary measures would be taken to establish the truth and hold accountable those responsible for this tragic event.

The plane crash involved an aircraft belonging to Yevgeny Prigozhin, a well-known figure in Russia, primarily recognized for his business ventures in the catering industry. Prigozhin’s company, Concord Catering, has been involved in various high-profile projects, including providing meals for schools and the military. The crash has raised concerns and garnered significant attention due to Prigozhin’s connections and influence within Russian society.

The investigation into the crash is being conducted by a team of experts from various relevant agencies, including the Federal Air Transport Agency and law enforcement authorities. President Putin assured the public that the investigation would be conducted with utmost transparency and professionalism, leaving no stone unturned in determining the cause of the accident.

While speculation and rumors have circulated regarding the possible causes of the crash, President Putin urged caution and emphasized the importance of relying on official information from the investigation team. He called upon media outlets and individuals to refrain from spreading unverified information that could potentially hinder the investigation process or cause unnecessary panic among the public.

The tragic incident has once again highlighted the importance of aviation safety and the need for stringent regulations and oversight. President Putin acknowledged this, stating that the crash would prompt a thorough review of safety protocols and procedures to prevent similar accidents in the future.

As the investigation progresses, the families of the victims are being provided with necessary support and assistance. President Putin assured them that the government would do everything possible to alleviate their suffering and provide them with the answers they seek.

In conclusion, President Putin’s statement on the Prigozhin plane crash provides an update on the ongoing investigation and emphasizes the commitment of the Russian government to uncovering the truth behind this tragic event. The transfer of the bodies to the medical examiner’s office marks a crucial step in determining the cause of the crash. As the investigation continues, it is imperative for all parties involved to rely on official information and avoid spreading unverified rumors. This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of aviation safety and will likely lead to a comprehensive review of safety protocols to prevent similar accidents in the future.
