Sheriff confirms discovery of deceased 3rd Mississippi detainee who escaped in New Orleans

Sheriff confirms discovery of deceased 3rd Mississippi detainee who escaped in New Orleans

On July 31st, 2021, the sheriff’s office in Hancock County, Mississippi confirmed the discovery of a deceased third detainee who had escaped from a detention center in New Orleans. The detainee, identified as 43-year-old Troy Armstrong, had been on the run since July 15th when he and two other inmates escaped from the Orleans Justice Center.

The three detainees had managed to escape by breaking through a window in their housing unit and using a homemade rope to climb down from the sixth floor of the building. The other two detainees, identified as 20-year-old Jeremiah Hairston and 28-year-old Jason Landry, were captured within days of their escape. However, Armstrong remained at large for over two weeks.

The discovery of Armstrong’s body was made by a group of fishermen who found it floating in the Pearl River near the Louisiana-Mississippi border. The Hancock County Sheriff’s Office was notified and confirmed the identity of the deceased as Armstrong.

The cause of Armstrong’s death is still under investigation, but foul play is not suspected at this time. The sheriff’s office has stated that it appears Armstrong drowned in the river.

The Orleans Justice Center has been under scrutiny in recent years for its high rate of escapes and other issues. In 2019, a report by the New Orleans Inspector General found that the facility had “serious deficiencies” in its security protocols and management practices.

The escape of these three detainees highlights the need for improved security measures and oversight in detention centers across the country. It also raises questions about the treatment and rehabilitation of individuals who are incarcerated.

While it is important to hold individuals accountable for their actions, it is equally important to ensure that they are treated with dignity and respect while in custody. This includes providing access to mental health services, education and job training programs, and other resources that can help them successfully reintegrate into society upon release.

In conclusion, the discovery of the deceased third detainee who escaped from the Orleans Justice Center is a tragic reminder of the challenges facing our criminal justice system. It is important that we continue to work towards improving the conditions and outcomes for individuals who are incarcerated, while also ensuring public safety and accountability.