Woman arrested for leaving newborn girl in New Jersey park nearly four decades ago

Woman arrested for leaving newborn girl in New Jersey park nearly four decades ago

Title: A Cold Case Reopened: Woman Arrested for Leaving Newborn Girl in New Jersey Park Nearly Four Decades Ago


In a remarkable turn of events, law enforcement authorities have made a breakthrough in a cold case that has puzzled investigators for nearly four decades. A woman has been arrested for allegedly abandoning a newborn girl in a New Jersey park back in the early 1980s. This arrest marks a significant milestone in the pursuit of justice and highlights the relentless efforts of law enforcement agencies to solve long-standing mysteries.

The Discovery

In April 1981, a passerby made a shocking discovery while walking through a park in New Jersey. Hidden among the bushes was an abandoned newborn girl, wrapped in a blanket and left to fend for herself. The infant was immediately rushed to a nearby hospital, where she received the necessary medical attention and was subsequently placed in foster care.

The Investigation

Despite extensive efforts by local authorities at the time, the identity of the infant’s parents and the circumstances surrounding her abandonment remained elusive. The case eventually went cold, leaving investigators and the community with unanswered questions and a lingering sense of injustice.

Breakthrough in DNA Technology

Over the years, advancements in DNA technology have revolutionized criminal investigations, providing new avenues for solving cold cases. In this particular case, authorities were able to extract DNA evidence from the abandoned infant’s clothing, which had been meticulously preserved by investigators.

Using this DNA evidence, investigators turned to genealogical databases to search for potential familial matches. After an extensive search, they identified a possible relative who shared a significant amount of genetic material with the abandoned infant.

The Arrest

Following this breakthrough, investigators focused their attention on tracing the family lineage of the potential relative. Through meticulous detective work and collaboration with genealogists, they were able to narrow down their search to a woman who resided in another state.

After obtaining a discarded item containing the woman’s DNA, forensic analysis confirmed a match with the DNA found on the abandoned infant’s clothing. Armed with this evidence, law enforcement authorities arrested the woman, who is now in her 60s, for allegedly abandoning the newborn girl nearly four decades ago.

The Impact

This arrest has sent shockwaves through the community and reignited discussions surrounding child abandonment cases. It serves as a reminder that no crime is ever truly forgotten, and advancements in technology can breathe new life into even the coldest of cases.

Furthermore, this breakthrough offers hope to other families who have lost loved ones or are still searching for answers in similar unsolved cases. The successful application of DNA technology in this investigation demonstrates the power of perseverance and the potential for justice to be served, no matter how much time has passed.


The arrest of a woman for allegedly abandoning a newborn girl in a New Jersey park nearly four decades ago is a significant milestone in the pursuit of justice. Through advancements in DNA technology and tireless investigative work, law enforcement authorities have demonstrated their commitment to solving cold cases and bringing closure to victims and their families. This remarkable breakthrough serves as a reminder that no crime is ever truly forgotten, and that justice can prevail, even after many years have passed.
